Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fact Within a Message #1

i already told you that i like making lanyards. what else Do i like to do? i like making friendship bracelets…er bracelets. It all started as a hobby when my then-friend gave me a friendship bracelet book on my tenth birthday party. i fell in love with making theSe friendship bracelets. i stared making one after the other and Now i have a whole bag of them! of course, not all of thEm are bracelets. most of them are like only a couple inches long. i need to work on measuring the right amount of string. cause the bracelet “shrinks” after you tie like a hundred different knots on it.
it’s this book i’m talking about.

so far, i can onlY make like 70% of the bracelets in this book. i know how to make the basic diagonal, chevron, double chain knot, broken ladder, and…that’s it.
here’s what one looks like.

except i didn’t use these colors…

i used these colors in this order: purple, light pink, light purple, pink.
this is the pattern that i really wanna make.

but the instructions are sooooo complicated.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Example: Hidden Fact Within the Message

i’m pretty sure you guys don’t know what i’m talking about about these hidden messages within the facts. i’m kinda doing what taylor swift did with her hidden messages within her song lyrics, if you know what i mean.
i love making lanyards. i think they’re so fun. i can make only two kinds: the square braid and the Round or swirly braid. i have a bunch of string that my friend gave me as A secret santa present, so i want to use it up cause i don’t really like the color. yeah, it’s kinda opaque, and when you mix two random colors together, they doN’t really look that good cause you can see through them. so i’m gonna buy new colors. i want the metallic colors. like the soliD colors which you can’t see through. my parents think it’s a waste of time trying to make lanyards, but i’d rather dO lanyards than hoMework!
see, i gave you a message, and the fact is random. i like doing random things. so it’s like a game. you try and guess the fact within the message, and i’ll give you the answer on the next post!

First Post

Okay, so here’s the deal…
I’ll post some fact about me and within the fact will be a hidden message.
You have to decode it.