Long story short, I don't really know what to do with my life. What are my goals? Dreams? Aspirations? My teacher always asked that. "Any questions? Hopes? Wishes? Dreams? Aspirations?" Something like that.
I shipped something to my old address in Riverside when I went to UCR. I graduated about a year and a half ago.
More on that in another post.
That got me thinking, a lot of my friends are already married and have kids, and I don't even have a boyfriend!
My co-worker was talking about Star Trek and he jokingly said, "You're too young for that!" I haven't watched any of the Star Wars, Star Trek, or Lord of the Rings movies. I know, I'm a horrible person. In my defence, I have watched all of the Harry Potter movies multiple times and have the books (in pristine condition, might I add).
Sometimes, I feel like life moves way too fast for us to catch up. It's almost like trying to catch a train when you forgot to wake up in time.
Literally my life. Every single day.
I still live with my parents. At least two of my co-workers still do. The same two co-workers are also in their mid-to-late-20s.
I'm honestly scared to live on my own. I could, I mean I did it for almost four years. Somewhat. Parents are always gonna be parents.
There's so many things I'm still trying to figure out. And living on your own comes many responsibilities. Groceries, rent, bills. It takes up most of the weekends since you're on the 9-5 grind on weekdays.
I just don't know if I could handle all that. I mean, I DO want to move out. Don't get me wrong. Just all that added pressure. I don't know if I'm ready for that.
That and plus, rent and bills and all that is really expensive and I still have a college "broke life" mentality. Hence, why I buy novels on Abebooks instead of Amazon or eBay. If you don't know what that is, you didn't do college right. Seriously. You could have saved HUNDREDS.
Maybe I'll do a post on how much you could have saved if you used Abebooks or some other book site. No, not Barnes & Noble or Borders. Remember Borders? Ahh, the good ole days.